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In order to realise our vision, UK Versity has split its strategic planning into the three main areas and these areas represents our institutional strategic targets that we seek to achieve over the three-year period 2023-25.


1.Strategic Goal - Our strategic goals are Excellence in Online and Classroom-based education.
a. Achieve a balance of 60% vs 40% mix of Online vs Classroom based delivery across a range of courses

2.Enablers - The realisation of our strategic goals is enabled by Exceptional People, Physical Infrastructure and Financial Sustainability.
a. Infrastructure – purchase or mortgage our own self contained premises
b. Finance – increase student recruitment via short study visa route and agent network to finance the strategic objectives
c. People – gain Investor In People recognition by 2025
3. Strategic Themes – Our four strategic themes guide our approach to achieving these goals. These are Portfolio of Courses, Developing Satellite Centres, Agent Recruitment and Strategic Partnerships. 
a. Courses - these include growing the number of courses we offer online and in classroom based setting.
b. Partnership – create an enter into a university partnership for delivering Top-up UG & PG Courses
c. Recruitment agent- create a network of ten international agents for students recruitment
d. Satellite centre- create one satellite centre in Malaysia, Mainland China and Hong Kong for UK Versity



Our strategic goals are excellence in online and/or classroom-based courses to increase studying student number to 2000 per year. Our three enablers represent what we need to realise our goals. Our four strategic themes, guide our approach to achieving these goals. Our commitment to our Strategic Plan is collective and democratic: the entire team at UK Versity is responsible for its delivery and achievement.


We monitor and report on progress against our Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and targets annually. We anticipate that, over time, the aims and objectives for each of the strategic goals will remain essentially the same, with the strategies, KPIs and targets being modified in response to changes in our operating environment.

Unless otherwise stated, the targets run for the life of the Strategic Plan.

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